Live Sessions

New for 2024, I am hosting regular live events on Insight Timer.

“The Traveller’s Rest”

In a world that continues to move in unsettling directions, at an increasingly rapid pace, it’s essential that we carve out time to rest and remember who we are and why we’re here. I have created ‘The Traveller’s Rest’, my new teaching space, as a place to do just that.

This is a place to pause, feel at home and return to something sacred and meaningful in life.

What to expect

There will be talks, meditation, music and some giggles along the way as we delve into what makes us tick, trip and groove to our own rhythm.

The sessions are offered free of charge but donations are gratefully accepted. You can donate via the app or Paypal.


You can join all my live events on Insight Timer.

They will be bi-weekly on a Thursday ay 9:30am (GMT)

Up-coming sessions

Andy is having a break from his bi-weekly session for the school holidays but there will be some adhoc sessions so keep an eye on Insight Timer.

Past sessions

I hope to see you there!