Dear all,

It’s been a little while since I announced that I am creating a meditation audio course for children so I thought I’d do a little update.  As always, life takes its twists and turns and I was taken away from this project for a little while but today I begin again! (after I’ve written this blog). It’s also been a while since I’ve written a blog. I’ve had many stories to tell over the last few years and hopefully will find some time to tell them soon.

So my peaceful place. All the vocals are now recorded and I’m going to write some brand new music to fit with feel of the course. I’ve gone for a folky feel which might run through the whole course but we’ll see. I like to include real instruments where I can, rather than synths, but they don’t always fit so well for meditation music. I’ve always wanted to do a banjo solo in the middle of a meditation but (a) I don’t think folks would welcome this sacred awakening experience and (b) I can’t play the banjo : )


Here’s a little snippet of the intro music and working with at moment.


The first release will be on Insight Timer and I am creating a slightly different version that will be available on Amazon and itunes. Here’s the track list for my peaceful place:

1/ A warm welcome
2/ An adventure begins
3/ Travelling Light
4/ Ocean adventure
5/ A magical sleep
6/ Peace Mountain
7/ You are stardust
8/ Heart of the universe
9/ Your next adventure
10/ The keeper of dreams

I’m really excited about this little adventure and can’t wait to release it. Hopefully in September 2019 all being well : )

Take care and go well
