The Story Checks Out

The Story Checks Out

  Photos and bits: So you know the story checks out         Work Experience 2017 – …….   – Spiritual teacher of sorts/ Ted Lasso 2015 – 2017   – Schools team manager at Unlocking Potential 2013 – 2015  –  Schools team manager at Kids Company...
Secret page.

Secret page.

It’s amazing what we can find when we look a little closer…..welcome to my secret page. Are there more? Here’s the working progress of a new track. Enjoy 🙂
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

I’ve been trying to come up with some words to speak about racism.  I am very aware of the colour of my skin as I write this and how this may be received. As a white male I’m sure I’ve been given a ticket to the front of society’s invisible...

My Peaceful Place | Track by track

On this 10 day adventure you’ll learn the basics of meditation and how it can help you to feel calmer and less worried about anything that life sends your way. This could be when you’re nervous about a school test or performance, when you’re upset about a friendship,...
My peaceful place update

My peaceful place update

Dear all, It’s been a little while since I announced that I am creating a meditation audio course for children so I thought I’d do a little update.  As always, life takes its twists and turns and I was taken away from this project for a little while but...